I think I'm going to hit myself in the head with a hammer...
Lets look at the Transcendent T8 as an example. It uses 8, EL509 tubes in push-pull. Each 509 has a plate impedance of about 150 ohms. 150 ÷8 = 18.75 ohms. This is unacceptable. Negative feedback is employed to achieve proper performance. The amplifier uses 33 dB of negative feedback which reduces the output impedance to 0.4 ohm thereby achieving outstanding woofer control and the ability to drive 4 ohm speakers. This specification was verified by Stereophile when they reviewed the amplifier."
Direct quote from the link in my previous post.
Now here is a quote from Raul:
"... The output impedance in the tubes amplifiers, usually, goes from 0.5 to 3 OHms ( high one ) and the output impedance in the SS goes from 0.02 to 0.5 OHms ( very low one..."
Consequently, given the range that Raul has given, there is a tube amp with output impedance in the range of SS. If the Transcendent amp is an uncontrollable equalizer so is a ss amp.
Others can see that Raul conitnues to move the goal post.
Pardon me while I continue to bang my head...
As I stated above before you make major changes in your system to obtain full spectrum frequency balance you should study what a real frequency curve of a real speaker operating into a real room (not an anechoic chamber)looks like. Moreover you need to examine what empahasis the human ear puts on the frequency spectrum.
Lets look at the Transcendent T8 as an example. It uses 8, EL509 tubes in push-pull. Each 509 has a plate impedance of about 150 ohms. 150 ÷8 = 18.75 ohms. This is unacceptable. Negative feedback is employed to achieve proper performance. The amplifier uses 33 dB of negative feedback which reduces the output impedance to 0.4 ohm thereby achieving outstanding woofer control and the ability to drive 4 ohm speakers. This specification was verified by Stereophile when they reviewed the amplifier."
Direct quote from the link in my previous post.
Now here is a quote from Raul:
"... The output impedance in the tubes amplifiers, usually, goes from 0.5 to 3 OHms ( high one ) and the output impedance in the SS goes from 0.02 to 0.5 OHms ( very low one..."
Consequently, given the range that Raul has given, there is a tube amp with output impedance in the range of SS. If the Transcendent amp is an uncontrollable equalizer so is a ss amp.
Others can see that Raul conitnues to move the goal post.
Pardon me while I continue to bang my head...
As I stated above before you make major changes in your system to obtain full spectrum frequency balance you should study what a real frequency curve of a real speaker operating into a real room (not an anechoic chamber)looks like. Moreover you need to examine what empahasis the human ear puts on the frequency spectrum.