Who will survive? One last table til I die.

I want to buy a final turntable (call it 25 years worth of use until I can't hear or don't care). I want to be able to get parts and have it repaired for the next quarter century. I would also like the sound quality to be near the top or upgradable to near the top for that time period. I don't necessarily require that the manufacturer be solvent that long (the preferable situation), but otherwise the parts would have to be readily available and the design such that competent independent repair shops be able to fix it. I won't spend more than $10,000 and prefer (but don't require) an easy set up that doesn't need constant tweaking. I'm willing to pay for the proper stand and isolation needed over and above the initial cost.

I've got 9,000 LPs, and it doesn't make sense to start over replacing them with CD/SACDs (although I have decent digital equipment) even if I could find and afford replacements. Presently I have a CAT SL-1 III preamp and JL-2 amp, Wilson speakers, Sota Cosmos table, SME IV arm, and Koetsu/Lyra Clavis/AQ7000nsx cartridges.

Thanks in advance for your input. Steve
Raul I guess we will,"have to agree to disagree." I knew you would counter with the negative feed back argument! Please, negative feedack was invented to cure the ills of ss! Anyone who does not like feedback couldn't possibly be a fan of solid state.

"Moving the goal post" means you change the facts to suit your argument. You claim you never discussed damping factor when you did so extensively. You gave the lower range of output impedance for tubes as 0.5 Ohms. Then you changed it to 0.3 Ohms. This was done curiously after you read my post concerning the Transecdent amp's output impedance of 0.4 Ohms.
No, the laws of physics cannot be violated. However we can use another law of pyhsics to counterract it. I say this as I sit before my computer suspended in air with gravity pulling me toward earth but the force of the floor preventing me form crashing to the ground.

I don't think you are an idiot. You are dogmatic.
I find it interesting the we in the Audiogon community continue to participate in allowing Raul to hijack so many threads. I'm doing exactly that now by offering this post, and I plead guilty to doing so. But, I wanted to let fellow Audiogoners know that I don't plan to gratify Raul (and his multiple ghost writers) in the future by responding to his baiting. All of the threads with Raul have devolved into useless "point-counterpoint" contentions that de-value this forum and make it a less pleasant place for sharing ideas and experiences. For me, posts from Rauliruegus will henceforth fall into my "ignore" file; I find his contributions counterproductive and I do not intend to encourgage even more by responding to him.

Twl and Gregadd, I appreciate your efforts to engage in a discussion on so many of the topics being tossed out in this thread and others, but I'd also be happy if, upon reflection, you decided the "discussions" with Raul are simply not worth the bandwidth and not worth diverting the entire thread from the question originally posed. Clearly, I respect your choice to do as you wish in this regard.

Best regards,
Rushton: Stay calm. Be cool and speak for your self. You are trying to convince other peoples on this forum that think exactly like you. Come on, leave the people free. If I don't like you, no problem with me, that is your problem.
Regards and enjoy the music.
I'm with Rushton, too. Trouble is that someone like me who is not too well versed on some of the topics might read one of Raul's posts and come to some erroneous conclusions. If one is compelled, maybe some simple response such as "Raul's opinion is unique" might at least give a newbie a head's up without being negative or controversial.