Are silver cables on the way out?

I have read a few comments recently in the forums stating concerns about silver or silver coated copper interconnects and speaker cables. Is there a contingency out there moving away from silver? What is the science behind this?

thanks, gary
Gary-I used to be an advocate of silver until one day while listening I realized what I was hearing wasn't music, it was sound being reproduced. Silver gave my system a very forward sound, too lean, and very un-musical it was fatigueing to listen to(which at the time I thought was a power supply problem, ie power cords and line regenerators) I pulled the silver out of my system and a very relaxed musical precense returned. Silver tends to blow you away at first, I thought it made my system sound better then ever before-then I realized what I thought was better was just different. Silver does weird things to frequencies in the upper octaves, which can be confusing to an unsuspecting listener, knowing what I know now the only system I would try silver on would be a system that uses a SET amp, which also does weird things in the upper frequency range, which silver complements.
Hope that sort of answers your query though I am sure more help will be right behing my theory.
Tim; well said, I agree. You might want to check my thread on the FIM 880 outlet (It's still on the front page). I wrote a review that pretty much compared a good copper AC outlet to a good Silver plated one. Cheers. Craig
I've gotten good results with Goertz Silver Saphire interconnects. My Nordost Quattrofils are, I think, silver over copper and are superb. But older models of silver cables sometimes sounded extremely un-natural, particularly in the treble.
Seems like there is a trend in this direction. I recently spoke with the chief engineer a Pure Note audio cables as to why they went from pure silver to their new bonded silver/copper. Basically he told me that no matter how well you make the silver there is still some hardness in the sound. I have to agree as I find the Pure Note Epsilon Reference warmer than other silver cables I have tried.
I've used many copper and silver speaker cables of the Audioquest line. And the ones with the most silver always sounded better. But, you can argue that it is the cable's geometery and insulation material that made the biggest difference.

Is it really a trend that silver is losing ground to copper? This is bad for Homegrown and Bearlabs. But this is good for bargain poachers who are going to buy up all the silver cables that the people who are hopping on the copper bandwagon are going to sell at used bargain prices.