FM Reception question, please

I have a Pioneer TX 9500 II tuner and have it hooked up to that antenna that is a wire shaped like a "T". Reception is farly good but I thought that I could improve it with an indoor antenna designed specifically for FM. Needless to say, I bought the top of the line Terk amplified indoor antenna and found that my signal was roughly half as good as copared to the wire. I tried alternate positioning and different gain settings to no avail. What gives? Do I have to go to an outdoor antenna to get better reception? Thanks for your interest.
Actually, that isn't really true. A whip antenna is not better than a dipole in absolute terms. How you use and install the antenna might possibly make it better. I have a few tuner manuals that even do a decent job of illustrating it.

A dipole antenna has a figure 8 pattern in which it will pickup stations. Basically, there are two nulls off the ends of the dipole where it will not receive an FM station. This is actually a good thing, but does mean that you have to pay careful attention to the installation of even a simple dipole. The rejection of unwanted signals to the sides, even if small, could still be very beneficial. I have tried whips and dipoles in the same location, and the dipole will pull in more stations if you rotate it.

A whip antenna is not directional, meaning it will pick up all stations equally well in all directions. This can be good and bad. What is most beneficial is that a whip can be installed fairly unobtrusively in a high up location outside the house, which will, or course, always yield benefits. That is why Macrojack saw a gain increase when he put his antenna outside. I don't know if that antenna is amplified, but that would obviously do something as well. Antenna amplification obviously is not going to give you a cleaner signal, though.

A whip or a dipole or what have you cannot have gain, technically speaking. With my directional antenna I receive stations 50 miles to the south very cleanly. With whips and dipoles, mounted in the same location, I don't.

I'm in the Grand Valley of western Colorado. We have a dozen or so stations in the valley and high mountains preventing reception of anything farther away than 20 miles. Terrain in the valley is very flat. Perhaps my circumstances are too unusual to serve as an example.
It won't be long now and someone is going to claim that there is a difference in the sound of different antennas, besides noise, of course.
inp that may be stretching things just a bit, but the quality of your downlead coax cable will in fact influence the Q of your received signal. Quad shielded RG-6 coax (available from Radio Shack) is typically the preferred approach.