Help Cables

I need some help with cables. I have a Rega Planet 2000 cdp, Revel M20's, and a Plinius 8200 amp. I'm quite happy with these components, don't want to spend a ton of money in this hobby, but I need some cabling opinions. I need IC's and speaker cable. I like detail and soundstage..... but I wouldn't mind getting a SLIGHTLY warmer sound. Let's say under $300.00 per IC, and under $500.00 for speaker cable. Music-wise, I listen to a variety of stuff, so I'd like a good, all-around cable. I've gotten some great advice from you all here on AG, so thanks again in advance!

I'd try harmonic tech truthlinks and satori speaker cables. This will be very warm with a great sense of harmonics. If you want more detail, try some harmonic tech prosilway II's or Nordost red-dawn cables. The red dawns will be leaner but more transparent and open than the prosils.

You should be able to find a satori speaker cable for 350ish. The only cable I've found that is significantly better is spm which is 3-4 times as expensive. If you want to move up the food chain on i/c's, try some nordost spm's (very transparent and detailed ), or acoustic zen silver refs (more harmonics, warmer but less transparent).

Of all things, cables are the best thing to buy used so you can trymebuyme without losing your shirt. Also don't be afraid to try cables out. What works great in one system will sound mediocre in another (really!).
I would recomend Acoutic Zen cables. I have had Cardas, Nordost SPM/Quatro Fil and Harmonic Tech and the Zen cables are much superior in my system and they are a great deal too. I did extensive comparisons on 2 diffrent systems of the Nordost SPM speaker cable and the Acoustic Zen Satori, and the Satori handily outperforms the SPM. To me the SPM has a sterile sound where the Acoustic Zen sounds more natural like intruments are in the room with you.
If you can get over the look the 47lab OTA cable is excellent value. I personally have not found anything that performs as well at it's price point(or quite a bit beyond) of $540.00 for a kit which allows you to make 3 sets of IC's and 1 set of single or biwire speaker cables. The assembly is super easy and requires only a pair of wire stripers and tweezers. I know, it sounds hokey but check it out on the sakaura systems website and read some of the posts here regarding this amazing cable. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't tried it.
Most definitely the Cardas Neutral Reference interconnects will give you exactly what your are looking for, price and performance! I have the speaker cables and just sold my interconnects. The are detailed, throw a big soundstage with a quiet background, and give a bit warmth and a bit of punch to the bass.
I'd also recommend Acoustic Zen as it is very detailed but really lets the harmonics through too. You might want to check out Srajan Ebaen's Mapleshade cable review on where he compares the Mapleshade interconnects to the more expensive AZ Silver Matrix. AZ's Matrix Reference interconnects are even a little warmer and a lot cheaper, so you might start there along with Satori cables if the AZ stuff sounds interesting to you. Best of luck.
