Tube output stage CD player ?

Can anybody explain the different between a Tube cd player and a regular cd player ??
Hey Trelja, did you ever own one of the early Analogic Designs players made by Scott Nixon (later called Anodyne)? I did, and for the very reasons you mentioned about early digital. Gave it to a musician friend years ago, and I believe she's still happily listening to it (although I wonder how the tubes are holding up).
Hey Rcprince! No, I am sorry, but I never came across those. I remember hearing players from Carver, Dynaco, Jolida, and those that were "modded" to use tubes like the Ah! Tjoeb is today. Were those hatchet jobs(just a figure of speech) Denon(or JVC?) players back then? Can't quite recall... Those players did take the digital edge off the music(along with a lot of detail). Usually 12AX7 or 6DJ8(6922) tubes in a CD player, so you know the tubes will last a long time. One thing about CD players, if you don't really abuse them, they'll be around for a lot of years. I have two old Pioneers in my house that are still going strong(in solid state rigs, for the non-Audiophiles at home). I believe they are about 13 years old. Maybe I should have traded up for some tube output players over the years, huh?!? Is it me, or do musicians(like your friend) get a lot more enjoyment out of this hobby than most audiophiles; with a helluva lot less in terms of equipment no less? For them, music isn't usually a competition, but a form of entertainment, relaxation, and enjoyment. Should be like that for all of us. Enjoy the music!
They were usually based on the Magnavoxes , like the Magnavox 472, and corresponding Philips based units. Some sounded pretty good, too, for those times. And yeah, musicians I know for the most part don't seem to care as much about the sound as the performance. They do have it right.
You are 100% right about them being based on Magnavoxes. Thanks for the information! It's been a while since I have been around that stuff. Thanks for bringing me back
Any recommendations for a new tube CD player? OR Any input about an old Melos Audio CDT-2 ?? I'm wondering do I keep what I have (the melos) or Not tell my wife and buy a new unit?!