alternate method of bi-wiring

does using 2 identical cables of the same length duplicate the advantages of b-wire? I am looking for new speaker cables and would prefer to have the option to use the cables separetly in the future for non bi-wire aplications. the only disadvantage of this route as I see it is having to purchase (1) extra set of terminators.

thanks for your input,
When I was not bi-wiring, I pulled my stock jumpers off and replaced it with decent cable. Of course I had better sound that way. I guess my rule of thumb for jumpers is this: Buy the speaker best speaker cable you can afford, then buy two feet of the next step up in the line to use as jumpers.
Here's the way I know it.

Single bi-wire: Each stereo set has two cables. Each cable has one + and one - termination at the amp end and two +'s and two -'s at the speaker end.

True bi-wire: This is a standard stereo pair of speaker cables X two. Two completely individual sets of stereo speaker cables. I use this method as it offers the convenience of versatility whether it be changing the speakers or the cables themselves.

Shotgun: Two runs of cable instead of one.

Shotgun bi-wire: First, look at this pic:

Each cable run has one terminal end at the amp and two at the speaker and each run consists of 4 cables (or wires), with 2 of the cables going to each speaker termination. For a complete stereo set of speaker cables this means four sets of shotgun bi-wire cables with a grand total of 16 runs of cable. I tried this once & it choked the soundstage. I asked a very knowledgeable cable designer/manufacturer about this & asked if that meant too much capacitance or inductance? He said could be either or both. Anybody care to comment?

OK, I'm done, and I prefer Sharp Cheddar W/Port Wine.

I don't have two runs of the same cable to compare with the jumpers. However, I have been double-bi-wiring for the last 6 years using AQ Argents/Midnights. After some powercable upgrades, my system sounds much better by letting the speaker run full range. I lose a little on the highs and lows, but I am achieving midrange magic, especially after adding the Goertz jumpers.

I posted my findings in another thread before. Another agon member semed kinda miffed that I didn't like the Argent/Midnight doublebiwiring. He said the AQ factory highly recommends this set up. Well, they were good. But now the Midnights stick out like a sore thumb.
Viggen, I have a pair of double run (biwire) pair of AQ Slate (not currently using). They worked very well. I am currently using a single bi-wire pair of Blue Circle BC92. Even though a single cable, the BC92 is 10 AWG per termination at the speaker end, so almost like a double pair of other brands.
Hey Sugar,

For me to use bi-wire is double jeaporady. What I mean is, when I was burning in my P3 VD powercord with my speakers bi-wired, my soundstage was way too wide where the center focus dissapeared. Also, the deficiencies of the Midnight when comparing to the Argent became much more apparent after using VD's powercord.

Thus, I removed the Midnight and ran my speakers full range, Coherency and timing improved as well as focus. Swapping for the Goertz jumper improved on these 3 factors even more.

I did discuss this with Rick at VD lastnight. He told me the P3 does have a stage widening effect when connected to transports.

I've ordered the Audition powercord, to be connected to the transport. Then I wouldn't have the double jeaporady soundstage effect, hopefully, and might go back to bi-wire. However, now that I am hearing the obvious deficiencies of the Midnight, I don't want to use it again.

All this being said, I am very happy with the sound I am getting using full range with the Goertz jumpers.