alternate method of bi-wiring

does using 2 identical cables of the same length duplicate the advantages of b-wire? I am looking for new speaker cables and would prefer to have the option to use the cables separetly in the future for non bi-wire aplications. the only disadvantage of this route as I see it is having to purchase (1) extra set of terminators.

thanks for your input,
You can also affect the center focus with speaker placement, if the cables sound great otherwise. My speakers are slightly toe'd in.
Wow, I learned a lot about bi-wiring from this post. As Driver has pointed out, I am currently applying Single bi-wiring. What I was asking if I can do is called True bi-wiring, which seems to be superior. So, now I must ask, which is the route I should go. First, I have the Decware Integrated tube amp and ML SL-3's using Tara Labs Phase II in a Single bi-wire configuration and silver RCA interconnects.

Do I:

1) buy 2 identical sets of cables for True bi-wire.
2) buy a better single set of cables and purchase Goertz silver jumpers.
3) buy a better single set of cables and run a short length of cable to the second set of speaker terminals.

Which method is likely to give the best results for a given budget, say $500-$600 for used cables? Perhaps this should be a seperate post, but any suggestion on which cable to use?

thanks to all,
Paul, You can keep your current cables & just use one of the speaker sets of terminations-just tape off the other set so they don't short out on anything. Then you can buy another set of cables and have a true bi-wire set up. From this you can decide if you like this cable better for the high or low freqs. (or both) and then proceed with the next step that you've already outlined. Just an idea on how to go about it taking small steps.

Given your budget I'd like to suggest Luminous Audio Renaissance speaker cable. You can email Tim & ask about your particular application. If youre interested & can't find the link email me & I'll forward it. Good luck.
As the woofer has been "pushed" forward from the amplifier, the suspention pulls it back to rest at dead center. The action of the coil being brought back through the magnent causes kick back voltage that is introduced in the cross over and relayed to the tweeter. Bi-wiring eliminates this because it puts the amp inbetween the electrical connections of the drivers thus grounding out the voltage.(this is how I understand it) By seperating the 2 sets of wire instead of a bi-wire cable I would think you could keep things cleaner.
If you are using jumpers, you are not bi-wiring. Only one path is carrying the signal from the amp.