The best Cdp that have volume control

Hi to all experts I have SF concerto and Bryston 4BS T. I am looking for a cd player (used) that can connect directly to my amp.What is the best CD plaver that match with my system and sound smooth. The price range from $800-$2000
How 'bout Theta Miles...Davis??? @$1300 (used) around here! just let me audition with my system when u got it? Ha....Ha....
Any one of the older McIntosh units will do fine and will cost you the least upon resale. Of particalar interest should be the 7007 or if you want a multidisk player choose a 7008. Their is currently one on Ebay although his starting bid is scaring the audio public. Douggie in Toronto.
I think the ES Sonys are very good. Try to find a hi end model used like the XS777ES.
Camelot Uther V2.0 is a great DAC w/ volume and several inputs. It's only 20 BIT, but as good as most 24BIT out there.
My vote is for Wadia. I recently adjusted the internal DIP switches in my Wadia 850 in order to maximize its output level. Wow, what a difference this made. I am now listening between the 70-90 range comparred to the 45-65 range. Since I am operating the 850 well beyond the top half of its range the resolution and overall weight of the presentation has been incresed dramatically. When comparing the Wadia's w/out a preamp make sure the internal DIP switches are set to match your systems sensitivity.