Virtual Dynamics Recall

I guess everyone knows about the recall on the power 3's. Has anyone already got your cryo treated power 2's yet.
Received a call from Rick personally re: the recall about a week ago one night. Personally, I think this type of follow up is extremely professional, regardless of what you do for a living.
Rick and Brett have been a joy to deal with and they certainly have a great deal of pride in their product, as they should.
I have the Audition on my cdp and the 3's on my pre and amp and it is by far the most significant and exciting addition to my system in years.
Can't wait to hear the difference between the 3's and 2's.
I also received e-mail that my 2's were shipping today.
On march 1st Rick told me he had just installed a cryo freezer, but asked me not to mention it on Audiogon for a awhile because he was afraid of getting swamped with orders. Oh man, it looks like his fears have been realized! The following monday I purchased what he said would be the first fully cryo'd Audition Package from him. I was told it would be about 2 1/2 weeks from that monday to my door, but I'm still waiting, and now I know why.

I think it's pretty damn good of Rick to recall the Power 3s and replace them with cryo'd Power 2s. I think the cryo process adds about 50-100% to the total cost of the cable, not mention that the Power 2 is more than double the cost of the Power 3. I own three Power 2s right now and think they're fantastic. Brett with Virtual Dynamics told me my cryo'd Audition Package would ship on tuesday, so hopefully I'll have them soon. With all this craziness, the people at Virtual Dynamics must be living at the factory 24/7.
I think you are right Gunbei.They are working very hard. I am very happy to report that Erin( I believe Rick's wife,not sure)gave me a personal call to inform me that my Power 2's had been shipped today.She was very courteous and apologetic and I was totally impressed at her consideration.Not only did she call me initially but she called me back twice more to answer some questions from the first call.All I can say is if their products come even close to their customer orientation and consideration then they will be hugely successful.My hat's off to Rick,family and crew at Virtual Dynamics.Long may you prosper.It won't be long before you have the megabuck giants running.I'm confident that at this juncture they are surely squirming very uncomfortably.
Killerpiglet,thanks for the notation of Brett's e-mail regarding the return of the cables to him.I apologize to Brett as I know he is doing the best job he can to make good these recalled cables.I suppose I can be a little premature with my anger.It's just that I've been burned before and I have become leary and distrusting with age.You know the old saying "fool me once shame on you,fool me twice shame on me." I have yet to hear these bargain-priced cables but just in the last few days with the return phone calls and the positive reports from current owners of the cables I feel more comfortable with Virtual Dynamics and with time they will grow at a comfortable pace to meet the demands of their products.Having a degree in Business Administration with emphasis in marketing I can appreciate that Rick is trying to do the right thing and that is "meeting the needs and wants of the consumer".This simple formula is all he will need to become and remain successful.