Virtual Dynamics Recall

I guess everyone knows about the recall on the power 3's. Has anyone already got your cryo treated power 2's yet.
Bro 57,

The Power 3 and Power 2 are exactly alike, size wise. Only way I can tell the two cables apart is the difference in color on the shrink wrap and the little lable on the connector with its model number.
Should the Virtual Dynamics PC cords be plugged directly into the wall, or through a line conditioner?
Rick was suggesting that I get an outlet splitter and plug all the power cables directly into the wall via the splitter.

He also felt modern equipments are protected by fuses and such, so a surge suppressor isn't necessary.
Directly into the wall. You don't need a conditioner with them according to Rick. I run the simamp directly into the wall with the Audition cord....if anyone is running VD's into a line conditioner, let us know what you're is good....
I'm running my three Power 2s into a Monster HTS2000 with good results, but discussions such as these have me wondering if I should invest in a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and Juice Bar instead. I don't have enough wall outlets in the vicinity of my rack to accommodate the four cryo'd Audition Cords when they arrive.