Virtual Dynamics Recall

I guess everyone knows about the recall on the power 3's. Has anyone already got your cryo treated power 2's yet.
Response to earlier post/question " ..anyone using the V.D. cords with power cond...?"

I have a Power three "powering" my PS P300. It was a significant improvement over the Silver Audio "Power Burst" that it replaced.

Although I understand the reasoning behind not using a power cond. in conjuntion with the Virtual cords, I'm still not willing to part with my P300 and the marvelous sonic things it does.

Also, as good as the Virtual cords are (and they are VERY good) , I'm still not convinced that they could clean up contaminated AC (& certainely not re-generate) the AC the way a P300, or similar device, can do.

That being said, I am, however, using an "Audition" cord "straight" into the wall to my amp -- with fantastic results.

Has anyone owned Shunyata,Electraglide,BMI,etc or other highly reviewed and regarded cables and then auditioned Virtual Dynamic cords to find them as good or better? Particularly when listening for what power cords do best;i.e. Black silence,wider and deeper soundstage,better focus,harmonics,dynamics,tonality and overall increased cohesiveness.( it's fun using some of the reviewer's buzz words,isn't it) but seriously,this is what I hear a good power cord do.I just sold my Shunyata Sidewinder I had on my pre/pro and I am ill after hearing it with the stock cord. It makes that big of a difference.Don't you think?
Denf,bottom line is what sounds best to you.What is "warm and smooth" to one man could be "colored and veiled" to another.Sometimes we get so caught up in the fervor of rave reviews that we jump into something and forget to listen for what our own ears like.If your set up sounds best to you with the conditioner,then so be it.
I just received another call from Ann(I think that's her name.I initially said Erin)to inform me they had shipped yesterday a cryo'd Power 2 extension for my hard-wired DVD.I am now convinced without a doubt that this company's for real.Never have I received such follow-up on a sale as this one.And to top off the conversation,she ends saying," God bless you".Oh,I sense a "David slaying Goliath" company in the works here.
Sherod, I was contacted by someone named Erin Lawley at Virtual Dynamics, that may be who you spoke with as well.