AA Capitole Mk II - what the evaluaions brought?

Do you have any comments on the sound of a new AA Capitole?
I suppose some units are already well broken-in(?).
I've listened to the Audio Areo now at the Montreal show ,a show in Europe ,and at a customers house locally.It is a fine player but not in the league of the Aloia.Inductive power as many reviewers and listeners are finding is the solution for complete resolution.
Nobody has mentioned the Reflection Audio OM1 w/ battery power supply. I own this pre. and have found it to be above all the before mentioned. The rest of my system consist of Tenor 15 watt,Zanden 5000DAC, Audio Note CDT-2 transport, and Virtual Dynamic Nite cables throughout, allmost forgot the speakers, Von Schweikert DB100's!
Passive is better than many preamps on the market if EVERYTHING is optimal for it's use. I would have agreed about no line stage needed until I heard the Audio Note. Transformer coupled (8 transformers) Black Gate, tantulum film resistors etc. NOTHING! even passive comes close. The dynamics, layering etc. are unbelievable. My employee uses the EVS attenuators. And I have used the Placette, old First Sound etc. etc. I offered to do a shootout here against any passive or cd player with volume control on the planet. I only had one taker. One of my customers just bought the Audio Aero II and has offered to bring it over and compare with the Audio Note. I will again post my offer. Anyone who would like to bring over their passive or cd player with volume out and compare to a really good pre-amp is welcome. We have some amplifiers well suited for passive use or bring your own. We have Audio Note amps with 100k input impedance and .5 volt to drive to clipping as well as the Kora with like specs, Air Tight as well as the Gamut amp which has adjustable sensitivity switches to optimize for passive use if needed. The only rules are no one is to be close minded. I am also open to hear something which might possibly change my mind. We will have snacks and fun and have some other audiophiles over to participate. It's easy to have opinions! Lot more fun to test those opinions. If you want to have some fun and join in call me and lets do it. 925-229-2484.
Boy I guess I raised some nose hairs on the topic of active line stages. top notch preamps seem to be a Lost Art, but with companies like Wyetech Labs, Audio Note, Zanden and few others I will still favor them over running my CD player direct.
Hififarm, I wasn't aware the Aloia Inductive CD Player was available yet. Who reviewed it? I like to read up on it. Thanks for the heads up.