Virtual Dynamics Recall

I guess everyone knows about the recall on the power 3's. Has anyone already got your cryo treated power 2's yet.
Bluenose,it's funny you mentioned the big,silly grin on your face.My wife asked me last night why I had one on mine. This is day three of VD P2 in system.Sound continues to get better,especially in bass and midrange.Voices are becoming more palpable and coherent.I am amazed how much noise comes through your outlets and when reducing or eliminating it,more music comes through.I think about the time back in 1978,79 when I was reading TAS,Stereophile,and The Audio Critic and I began to lean stronger towards the views of Editor Peter Aczel until he wrote one day that cables( either power,interconect or speaker) make no difference in sound quality.Boy,what a letdown for me when he was my hero.Needless to say I stopped my subscription and began my pursuit of choosing good cables.Thanks again Virtual Dynamics for pursuing the truth of the laws of physics.
Just thought I would let everyone know about the hum problem.
JC audio E-mailed me and told me to try lifting the grounds. Well it worked! No more hum. I want thank JC Audio for the help. I had been without my system for just a little to long. I was going crazy! Well now back to the break-in process.
Bro, that's good news. It's always great when the barrier to enjoying your music is broken down, and even better when you know exactly what the fix is.

Viggen, I tried running my biwired Audition Scs to my ProAcs with AP Silver jumpers. It worked on one speaker but seemed the other just wouldn't play. If I removed one cable it played, but otherwise wouldn't work all hooked up. I experimented with reversing phase on one tweeter, then an entire speaker, and while both seemed to snap the center image in it killed the size of the soundstage. Here's the weird thing. I retuend everything to normal, and my center focus issue was completely gone. I don't get it, but I don't care because now I have both a huge soundstage and good center focus.

The Auditions are still improving, and I couldn't be happier.
Hey Gun,

It's weird how one of the speakers don't work when you slot a jumper in. Oh wellz, it is not mean to be. But, at least you are enjoying the sound you are getting the way it is now.

Rick sent me one Power 2 about 2 weeks ago, and I discovered 2 things:

The Power 2 and my amp pair up gorgeously, way better than when I was using the Power 3. My speakers move much more air now with that spine tingling decay effect in the high frequencies.

The Power 2 and my digital preamp pair up gorgeously. My digital preamp is also a dejitter device. The mirange became frigtheningly real when the Power 2 is on the preamp.

But, I only have one Power 2 cord. Rick still owes me one since I had a pair of Power 3s. I also have an Audition powercord that I am still waiting for, patiently.

For now, I have the Power 2 on the amp. Using Lat International on all the other stuff.
Viggen,You might want to call Virtual Dynamics and give Erin Lawley a gentle reminder.I think my "gentle reminders" helped expedite the process.I'm glad to hear you and Gunbei are enjoying the sound with the new Power2's and Auditions.I am glad Rick substituted the 2's for the 3's in this recall.Keep us posted.