Anyone auditioned Virtual Dynamics Extension cord

I own the Rotel RC-995 pre-amp which has a non-detachable power cord. Has anyone tried the P3 or Audition models that Rick manufactures. Is there another manufactuer producing extention power cords like this. Are there other solutions?
Why not just plug into a high current PS ultimate outlet.

And/or Use a juice bar with the cord of your choice.
I believe A'Gon member Buckingham owns one of Rick's extension cords, hopefuly he'll chime in.
I was going to make mods on my amps quite a long time ago but just did it pretty recently. I've ordered Marnico hospital grade 3 prong plug from and a shielded power cord from VanDenHul. I'm actually all wired with VanDenHul which I believe have the best conductors in the electronic market. I was buying from them kits instead of terminated cables which made things much cheaper. The other reason that I'm not buying terminated cables is because I break them in through AC outlets.
In my experience, the VD powercord sounds a lot better when it is directly connected to the component than being indirectly connected to the component via the PS Audio Juice Bar.
OOPS!!! I forgot to mention to you Kite... that using power conditoner is no neccessity right now since I get the black-enough background from my AC socket. Moreover the power delivered is much greater and cleaner.