I just sold my cd player what should i get?

I just sold my Arcam Alpha6 cd player and now i need a new one .My budget is approx.2500Cdn.I am considering the Linn Genki,Musical Fidelity 3.2,and a Naim 3.5(?).My system consists of a Linn LP12(valhalla)with an akito arm and Troika cartridge.Amp is a Classe Ten,pre-amp is Classe four.speakers are Castle Howards bi-wired with Linn K400 cable.tape deck is a Nakamichi LX5.Interconnects are mainly Transparent Super and the power cords are mostly Wireworld Stratus. I listen to rock and roll, blues, and country stuff like the Flying Burrito bros.I'd like to hear your opinions. Thanks
I agree with Lafish.
I sold my old Krell and bought the Marantz SA-14 SACD player and placed it on the Nueance platform. The sound is fantastic, especially on CD's!

Marakanetz, am I reading you right? The Capitole (Audio Aero?), just barely better than the Cambridge? I don't know where to go with that. Gots to be...forgedda 'bout it. I admire your courage to post that. You are one confident listener, and I, truly, admire that. I still maintain that the Audio Aero Prima is, hands down, one rocking, beautiful, sweet, very expensive sounding, cdp. I would put it up against ANY cdp out there, and it would hold it's own---AT THE WORST! You think I love this baby? No stock in the company. Just a very happy audio-camper. I wish more audiophools would listen to this baby. I know they'd freak. First by the sound, and then by the price. peace, warren
I guess you could call the Linn a record player.(LOL)
My mistake, forgive me.
Carin Fog at $1695.00 US Dollars This player puts to shame many higher end players.