Rega Planet vs Cal Audio Labs Icon MK II

I'm thinking about upgrading my CD player (Cambridge D300) and have a choice between these two used players. Both have been discontinued and are/were fine CD players. The Planet would be in the area of $500 and Icon MK II around $750. I'm an old country boy - I don't know a lot about high end audio, but am picking things up quickly with your help. Once again - Thanks in advance! Ken
Klender: The Icon MK II (without the Powerboss/HDCD upgrade) should sell used and in very good condition for around $400-$450. That said it is a much better player than the Planet in musical accuracy while still maintaining a smooth analog quality. The CAL is laid back and the Planet is laid down and died, IMO (sorry Planet owners). I use the CAL now as a transport with a Bel Canto DAC. and would highly recommend that you also make a basic isolation platform for the player from MDF and Vibrapods. The Pods are $24.00 and the piece of MDF should only be a few dollars or better yet use a piece of maple instead. You should probably make the platform for whichever player you decide on and Craig @ Vibrapod will give you good advice on how to do it. Players without isolation components only sound half as good as they can from my experience. That said the extra $30.00 or so spent (at the least) is money well spent.
Ken, first off, beware of anyone telling you what something SOUNDS like! Only your ears are attached to your cerebral cortex and can tell you. Secondly, don't worry about not being all that familiar with high end. I find that the most virgin ears are often the most discerning because they haven't been corrupted by already hearing everything. IMHO, you should avoid getting caught up in stuff like sounds "dark" or "laid-back" or "smooth" or "liquid" or whatever". If you put your ear next to a cymbal and smack it, it doesn't make a smooth or pleasing sound, it makes a harsh sound. Words like smooth or liquid or laid-back or boomy or etched etc. are only used to describe audio equipment, NOT MUSIC! That being said, I am very familiar with both players and I prefer (not that you would) the Rega because to me the Rega sounds more natural or musical. That's the whole idea, get the stereo out of the way so I can enjoy the music. After that, the Rega is much simpler to use and one thing to consider now that the economy is slowing to a crawl and it seems that another high-end company that has been around for a while is going out of business every week, (Hales, Wadia, Golden Tube, etc.) you want to be reasonably sure that whether you buy your equipment new or used, the company has a reasonable chance of being around in the future. Again, IMHO, Rega is better financed and more well known (especially in the UK where people still seem to be more interested in audio and not home-theater).
I'm not familar with the Cal., however, I do own a Rega Planet. I perfered the planet as a stand alone to a seperate transport and a Meridian 563, which I owned prior. In other words, I find it pleasing and musical and not at all the way the first poster states. Naimboy makes several good points that you should keep in mind when picking your player. Good luck.