Cable confusion?

Hi everyone, I hope some one can clear up some thing's I don't know about cable. First of all, I did try look up past threads on these questions, but was unable to find the answer's I was looking for, so please forgive me if these have already been answered. I know this is annoying to the "regulars". I know gauge refer's to the thickness of cable, but which is better for speaker cable?
A lower gauge cable or a higher gauge cable? I currently have two systems, one for HT, and one for audio. I currently use Monster XP cable for both systems. From various threads I've read, no one seems to use Monster cable for speakers. (Yes I am a novice) The best High end store around me (within my budget) is ultimate electronic's and that's all they sell.
Years ago, Monster speaker cables got a bad reputation-- among audiophiles-- as being too soft, dull, rolled off, and generally uninvolving. Monster speaker cable was to good speaker cables as Bose was to high end speakers, IMO.

I actually don't know if Monster wire has improved the sonics of their cables or not-- say in the last 5-10 years? But if you like the sound of yours, don't worry about others opinions. But I would encourage you to compare it to a couple of other brands in your price range though-- and there are many to choose from. Try The Cable Company at if you have no other nearby sources. They offer good advice and will send wires for home audition for a nominal fee. Good Luck. Craig
Lower gauge is better. Monster XP is probably around 16 gauge. 12 gauge or lower would be better. 2 runs of 12 guage or lower even better, if you can bi-wire. The Carol brand of speaker wire sold at Home Depot is probably as good or better than Monster and is cheap if you can find it. sells good entry level cable for around 50 or 60 cents/ft. Of course, the more exotic and expensive cables will sound better, but that will depend on your equipment, budget and taste.
Consult with Cable Company www/ for cable suggestions relevant to the equipment & speakers that you're using. They can provide useful recommendations for interconnects, AC cords, & speaker cables. They have a cable lending library available; for a nominal % you can try out diferent cables (either their suggestions or your own). They have a used cable section that you may be able to purchase from once you decide what you like. They also hold your cable-rental fees on account which you can apply to any purchase of cable or accessories.
Very simple: Lower gauge = thicker wire = lower likelihood that the cable will adversely affect the sound. To calculate the gauge you need, see:

The 12-gauge at Home Depot runs 30 cents a foot, last time I checked. There is a school of thought that says you won't find anything better on the market at any price for most uses.
Look into "Straitwire" speaker wire. I believe dealers
will allow a home trial and a one year trade-up. My local
dealer will. I've tried various cables (Monster, Cable Talk,
NAC A5, Kimber4VS) on a relatively inexpensive system. Cur-
rently I'm using "Straitwire-Quartet." Inexpensive, well
terminated(no solder used on banana plugs), sounds very good. I believe the quartet model uses 4-14 guage wire. Bi-
wirable. For more info: I think you'll
be pleasantly surprised by how good this wire can be (and at
such a reasonable cost.)