Why no as many post about music vs equipment......

This web it has been a second university for me in the last 5 years and I am extremely thankful for all of you that always answer my questions as a novice and in general about the hobby!

Call my attention if we all are looking for the music sublime experience why no as many post about music itself?

I am getting curious about two terms audiophile or musicphile, if we spend a great deal of our lives playing with gear trying to achieve unrealistic expectations that only exist in our dreams, taking a huge amount of time that we can dedicate to explore different kind of music around the world.

This days I am trying to educate myself that is all about the music that I am in the hobby no technicalities as a main course.

Don't take my comments personal is just my opinion and in part to start a debate to clear some of my concerns and misunderstoods about two hobbies in one or something else I might haven't found yet.

Thank you again,

Happy weekend.
Because this is, primary, an equipment forum. Folks whose prime interest is in music look at forums elsewhere.
Your are right to point out that audiophiles are not necessarily musicphiles and musicphiles are even less likely to be audiophiles. Quite ironic.

I happen to be both and their are plenty like me on this site. I don't post about music because I've found it to very unsatisfying. Music taste is so very personal and so very unique that it's hard to find common ground with other music lovers. With the audiophile hobby it's easy to find common ground and therefore there's a lot more discussion on the topic.
Where the male of the species is concerned (and I'm one, so I know of what I speak), if there's equipment--metal, wood, electricity, etc--there's obsession. We're like crows. Something flashes and we go toward it. We'll deny it and claim that it's really all about the music. But in our heart of hearts, we like thinking about, talking about, and obsessing about stuff. It's wired into our DNA at a very deep level. I fish. But plenty of guys--myself included--obsess over equipment there too: fly reels, fly rods, best waders, best boots, best rig, etc.... Astronomy? Telescopes, eyepieces, focusers.... The male of the species--and some females too--love objects, gadgets, gizmos. I love music, salmon, and stars. But I also love the things that bring me music, salmon, and stars.
All of the above posts are so true. So good to actually see posts like these on this site. I tend to forget these truths, but if I remembered them all the time, there would very few opportunities or reasons to weigh in on threads, and I do like to talk. Thanks for your input.