Anyone with parralel line conditioner experience?

I'm considering adding a parallel line conditioner. Marigo Labs used to make one called Transparency, I'm also looking at the Quantum Technology Symphony Pro. I have the following equipment: Levinson #380s preamp, #336 amp, #360s dac, #39 transport, Revel Salons, Cables by Synergistic. I'm also using a PS Audio P300 with Multiwave on the front end and have direct AC lines run to all components.
Does any one have a different choice or favorite?
I believe the Seakay Line Rover is a parallel line conditioner. I've used one for years and find it makes a slight, but positive, difference. I am convinced it protected the electrical systems in my house a few years back when there was a lightning strike right across the street from my house; every house in a one block radius was affected except ours. Now I don't care if it works at cleaning up the AC or not.
Can't speak for all of the different models out there, but some can measurably and demonstrably lower the noise coming into the system. Sean
The MIT Z-Stabilizer is also a parallel conditioner - PS Audio has even commented on the positive benefits of using the Z-Stabilizer in conjunction with the Power Plants.