TERES - trially Good

After experementing with VTA, VTF, overhang, loading (currently using a pair of K&K Audio Lundahl L9206 set to 20 dB feeding through a Wright WPP100C phono pre) my 255 table sounds perfect! I used to have two tables the Teres and a Michell Gyro SE MKII. I sold the Michell a while ago and frankly, I don't miss it a bit. My 255 is clearly better in my ears. The Teres is all I need! Using Benz ACE for now but saving for a Shelter to mate with my OL Silver arm.

I have the TERES 255 with the battery option and upgraded motor. I can't believe that I will be able to afford a table that sound this great. Within the current price range (or even double the price IMO) for this table, it will be very hard to beat it or find a unit that is equal in it's performance stand point. The Teres is amazing! I cannot put it any plainer than that.

Thanks to TWL, Chris Brady, Jay K. (Audio Revelation)and Khaki8 in helping me during the set-up process.

Life is good!!!!

Congratulations you lucky dog! I have an OL Silver, a Shelter and S&B transformers just waiting for my Teres to show up. As you say, it's wonderful to find such performance at this price point. Are you going to try TWL's HiFi mod on your OL arm?

Regarding saving up for a Shelter, all I can say is roll those pennies as fast as you can. While waiting for the Teres I set mine up on the old rig. It's absolutely amazing. The Shelter 901 may be a micron or two on the cool side of neutral (I'm hoping the Teres will address this) but its detail retrieval, dynamics, control and unlimited response at both frequency extremes are just jaw-dropping. It will knock you off your chair during the wildest orchestral/choral crescendos without breaking a sweat, yet in the next bar you'll hear the 3rd echo off a side wall or someone in the back row take a breath. It's just shocking. Depending on the type of music you like, the 501 may be as good or even better at half the cost. Great stuff.

Agaffer, if you just got your 265, mine should be coming any day! (Do you know what number yours was out of the twelve Chris Brady received in late July? I'm expecting #10.)

BTW, I believe Chris's current belt recommendation is a silk thread. Wasn't the tape idea supplanted by this?
I recently got some new pulleys that will accomodate a
1/2" wide belt. I have been experimenting with a bunch
of different drive materials, but it's still a work in
progress. In the sort term I started shipping the 265's
with the new pulley and both 1/2" VHS tape and also the
traditional silk string.

So far what I like best is 1/2" wide decorative mylar
tape. But I still have a number of evaluations to do. I also
would like to recruit some customers to do some evaluations
for a wider consensus. Once the evalautions are done there
will be an announcement on the Teres web page.

The wider tapes (mylar & mag tape) do sound better than
the silk but they are more of a hassle to use. I will
probably go to a wide tape for the higher end tables but
may still use a thread for the 100 series tables. I am
also evaluating some different thread types.

Before I get flamed... yes, it is very odd that you can
hear differences in belt materials. Easy to hear, hard to


Fascinating update. You shouldn't expect any flames, in a sufficiently resolving system, everything matters. Of course my system will only be 'sufficiently resolving' when our 265 gets here! Nudge, nudge :)

The Model 265 is up and running beautifully. It's really left me speechless.

(The complete table setup consists of the 265 with a Morch DP-6, Allaerts MC-1boron, and a balanced custom Zu Xaus arm cable)

Ken Golden
OK, I'm curious. How do you make a belt of silk string or fishing line and not have a knot? Or does the knot not matter when it hits the pulley or platter? If you're using a knot, any particular knot to use?

To knot or not to knot, that is the question. (Or, from West Side Story, "To-knot, To-knot".)

Say, while I'm thinking about it, any opinions out there on introducing the OL DC motor to my Well Tempered Classic? Is it worth $500 to $800 or should I sell the table and do something completely different?

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