For a wire run as short as that between the phono pickup and the preamp the benefits of balanced lines would not be significant.
Microphones have low level output, like phono pickups, but are often used with very long cables, and I bet that some mic preamps accept balanced line input. A mic preamp that I have has only single ended inputs, but it has a switch to cut in RIAA equalization so that it can also be used with a phono pickup. Your job is to find a mic preamp that has both these features. Start with the Shure catalog.
Microphones have low level output, like phono pickups, but are often used with very long cables, and I bet that some mic preamps accept balanced line input. A mic preamp that I have has only single ended inputs, but it has a switch to cut in RIAA equalization so that it can also be used with a phono pickup. Your job is to find a mic preamp that has both these features. Start with the Shure catalog.