Placette, VS First Sound VS Audio Synthesis Passio

I'm looking for a very pure & simple passive preamp, 1IP, 1OP. Anyone do an A/B demo on these. I talked to Placette Audio and still don't understand how his unit functions. From researching I gather that an L-Pad design using only Vishey Resistors(inc grnd)is the way to go. There only would be 2 resistors in the signal path at all times no matter where the dial relays..etc in the signal path. I believe Audio Synthisis uses this as well as the original First Sound reference II signature mono unit with vishay R which I never seen.

Will a remote add coloration as well as muting etc.
Okay. That's the active pre that Tube Research designed for Presence, though it uses 9 pin tubes, right?
I don't think so. Emmanuel Go is the man at First Sound (Presence is the model), and I'm sure he's done all the design work himself.
Emmanual did not design the circuit. Paul Weitzel of Tube Research Labs did back in the mid 1990's.
I understand your dissapointment in a way. BUT Paul W., from what I have heard makes some very, very special amps and pre-amps. Besides, its the quality and workmship along with support and r&d that makes a product worth owning in my opinion. Emmanuel has a serious upgrade path for those that what the max possible from First Sound. Call him and ask about his newest 6 chasis preamp that includes two outboard power supplies. Give yourself time to talk because he can be chatty. :)