Why no as many post about music vs equipment......

This web it has been a second university for me in the last 5 years and I am extremely thankful for all of you that always answer my questions as a novice and in general about the hobby!

Call my attention if we all are looking for the music sublime experience why no as many post about music itself?

I am getting curious about two terms audiophile or musicphile, if we spend a great deal of our lives playing with gear trying to achieve unrealistic expectations that only exist in our dreams, taking a huge amount of time that we can dedicate to explore different kind of music around the world.

This days I am trying to educate myself that is all about the music that I am in the hobby no technicalities as a main course.

Don't take my comments personal is just my opinion and in part to start a debate to clear some of my concerns and misunderstoods about two hobbies in one or something else I might haven't found yet.

Thank you again,

Happy weekend.
More of the same logic, all high income earners should be taxed to the max,those selfish bastards.
"Because Audiophile people are assholes"

You may think so, but a lot of us could not possibly comment.
It's called "Audiogon", not "Musicgon".

Off hand (and I got zero data for this one), I'd guess that music is discussed as often/more often here than audio gear is discussed on most music forums. There's a fair bit of music discussed tangentially in the equipment forums, but the question seems to be addressing the lack of activity on the music forum. I spend 90+% of my time there because the posters here strike me as a great resource, but why would you expect the music forum to be high volume on an equipment web site?

Or, to put it another way....

How often is music discussed on guitar or drum kit web sites? How often is literature discussed on e-reader web sites? How often is driving discussed on sports car web sites?

None of that means that the visitors to those forums are necessarily misguided in their priorities, it probably just means that they visit those places for the purposes that those places were established.
