Check this out
Looks great... might sound a little woody though. Don't invite any tree huggers over!
Gorgeous! Visually, much more spouse friendly than most competitors. Gotta trust Twl in analog so if he recommends the sound, need more be said?
I don't mean to be a skeptic in any way, and I know the Teres models sound great because I've heard 'em. I plan to more closely scrutinize one that a friend now has. I have a very strong background in woodworking and the charateristics of wood. I plan to look carefully at the platter construction (don't think the plinth is as important). I have some concerns as to how the platter will hold up over, say, 10 years. Will give my opinion after I've had a chance for a thorough look see, for what that is worth.

Anyone know of other wood platters that have been around for 5 or 10 years?
David, the platter is constructed using the W.E.S.T system of epoxy resin soaking the wood, like is used in modern wood boat construction. The platter is pieced together like a puzzle, with the grains of the pieces oriented for maximum strength and minimum movement. Then it is machined after it is cured.

The stability of the platter was a big concern for Chris when he started this project. He feels it will be fine. It is a very labor intensive process, and this contributes to the higher cost of this table.

It is reported to sound awesome. I haven't heard this model.
Tom, yes I am of the mind, having done extensive work in nearly all types of furniture, cabinet, and instrument construction that "puzzling" (what I call 4-way lamination, or spiral lamination) is crucial along with the ability to select properly dried wood and a process for controlling "heave-ho" due to vagaries in temp and humidity.

Even in furniture that is carefully constructed to the finest tolerances will vary over time. Granted changes of 1/64 to 1/32 inch in thickness or diameter or changes in DENSITY may not come into issue in furniture or even cabinetry, a platter is a different matter.

Now, I am not by any means claiming, or even inferring, that Teres has not accounted for all of these issues, just that it concerns me. I would REALLY like to visit their shop.