Best CD player for $700.00

I need to upgrade my old CD player (Mag CDB 650). I am considering the Adcom GCD 700 which lists for $700.00. It sounded very warm and open. What are some other alternatives and how do they stack up to the Adcom. Your help is appreciated
I wish I knew of a single box unit at $700 that would perform well enough to be really involving. It'd be simpler than the front end I'm using. However, I think the best bang for the buck is along the lines of what I have. Marantz CC48 5 disk changer/Monarchy 24/96 DIP/Dan Wright modified MSB Link DAC. Total cost with used digital cables= $910. One can buy a Link DAC used for $175-200, have it modified for $2-250.00 and use a Pioneer DV-333 ($200-new) and have a pretty darn good source. I hope you're happy with whatever you get.
I've never heard a crappy dvp with a dac, but i would suggest that you give Rotel's RCD-971 a try. You caould also wait a little while for the SACD players to cheapen.
I started using my Pioneer DV05 (instead of an old Studer/Revox A727) and am very happy with it. It's musical and enjoyable to listen to (but I haven't tortured myself by comaparing it to more expensive players). I can always upgrade by adding a DAC. CHeaper alternatives include the $200-ish Pioneer DV333 (with Burr Brown DAC chips) being modified by someone like Stan Warren for $200-$250, or using the $200 DV333 with a modified Link DAC ($450ish). I doubt you'd get a better player without paying much much more.
I think you will find the rotel 971 hard to beat. Probably you can get it for under 600$ with a little effort. HDCD and imho a more balanced presentation than the adcom.
I second Sdcampbell's motion. I have the Pioneer DV-37 and it sounds as good as many $1500 CD players I have heard. Not too shabby on the DVD side as well.