Analog Selection Dilemma: Aries V. Scout

I'm looking to upgrade my analog rig (Pro-Ject Wood Classic with Dynavector 20XH cartridge and McCormak Phono Microdrive. Due to funding restrictions, I'm wondering what will get me the best sound. Looking for opinions. My choices are:

Choice 1. Aries 2 with JMW 9 arm and using my existing Dynavector as it is only two months old.

Choice 2. VPI Aries Scout with JMW 9 arm and Lyra Helikon SL or Sumiko Celebration.

I'm also going with a Pass Labs Xono, as I'm getting a great deal on a new unit.

My question is which of the above will produce the best sound? Am I better off with the better TT (Aries 2) and lower end cartridge, or is the Scout that good of a table that paring it with the Lyra Helikon will be a better match?

Both setups are about the same cost, give or take a couple of hundred.

Thanks, Al
FWIW, my recent experience also suggests buying the best table you can afford now and upgrading the cartridge later if need be. I just got a whole new analog rig and by chance the cartridge came in first. Naturally I couldn't wait, so I mounted it on my very inferior old TT/arm. It certainly was a nice improvement, but the new TT/arm took it to an unimaginably higher level.

I'm also wondering why you're restricted to the two alternatives you listed. I believe you can do much better for the money. Assuming list prices, you'd pay about $3,800 for a Scout/JMW-9/Helikon SL setup. For similar money you could get a Teres 245/Origin Live Silver/Shelter 501. Many ears-on reports confirm what's pretty obvious on paper: a Teres 245 will just destroy a Scout, or an Aries or even a TNT for that matter. The OL Silver equals or betters the JMW-9, and a Shelter 501 is far more musical than the Helikon.

Another option would be to get a Teres 255/Origin Live Silver and keep your current cartridge. That would give you a near world-class base, a table and arm for life. You could upgrade the cartridge later if and when you felt the need.

Somebody shoot me if I'm steering him wrong.
A decenting opinion on your VPI selection. I would choose a fully TNT dressed HW-19 mk4. There is no need for a better table- especially if you tweak it out.
All IMO of course.
Thanks for everyone's advice. The reason I was going with VPI is that my dealer can give me a very good deal on either combination, as well as I like the fact that they are based in New Jersey where I live and can benefit from their proximity to me, if I need to repair or upgrade. Having said that, I would consider other tables. I also like the Origin Live, the Nottingham Space Deck and the Well-tempered Classic. Any opinions on any of these tables.

