Bright / forward speaker cables.

Looking for a speaker cable that sounds on the brighter side of neutral and a tighter mid bass region. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Conventional wisdom suggests silver conductor speaker cables should sound brighter. My Audioquest Dragon sounds noticeably brighter than my Cardas Golden Cross. As Sean pointed out, cable sound is very system dependent. The Cable Company at will let you try out cables at home.
Wow, Sean. I think you're the first person I've heard that found the Oval 9s to be bright sounding. Last year I was using DH Labs Silversonic T14 which I thought were too zippy, and after changing to Oval 9s much of that was alleviated. I guess there's much more to system synergy than I thought. In my setup, the APs were much fuller and smoother than the T14s. So Alb24, if you're looking for a bright cable check out the DH Labs, they're cheap too.
Ditto what Gunbei said. I tried both Oval 12s and T14s in my system and the 12s were definately the softer of the two. I also found the bass to be tighter and quicker with the DH Labs vs. fuller and rounder with the AP. From my experience in my system I'd say try the T14, and I'll re-emphasize that these things are notoriously system dependent so try before you buy. A while ago would let you try DH Labs cables risk free for 30 days, so if they're still around you might want to try them. Best of luck.

The problem here is that YMMV with speaker cables.

Why you ask?

It depends upon two things: the load and the *amp*.

IF your amp has NFB, the effect of a cap on the output is entirely *different* than if your amp does not (especially with tubes). The term "cap" here refers to the shunt capacitance of the speaker cable... and of course this relates back to how much NFB and what exactly that NFB is trying to do (or how would it sound/work without the NFB)!

Anyhow, that's a major factor, there are all sorts of other factors, but that's one that serves to illustrate why all people in all systems usually get different results...

But, having said that, if you can use thinish solid core silver wire, you'll acheive some extra "tinkle" on the top in most cases regardless of the amp... (just two separate
and insulated runs of solid core will do it)

Just my 2 cents worth...

those are two qualities that I have read about Nordost Blue Heaven cables a few times, and my own hearing has proved it as I own the speaker wire and IC. They have a wonderful sense of low level detail as well.