Popcorn Ceiling vs Smooth

I am in the process of remodeling/updating a home we just bought. My wife is having the popcorn ceiling removed in the whole house. In, what is to be my dedicated 2 channel listening room, I have the option to leave the popcorn ceiling or have it smoothed out. The room is 14x17 with 8.5 ft foot ceiling. Does anyone have experience or recommendations on which way to go? I have done a search and cannot find much on this topic. Thanks
I would keep it just not to disturb it and turn it into friable asbestos.As far as removing it to improve sound? Stay with it and place an attractive ceiling mural attached to the ceiling. If your wife finds it not to her liking. Just place some 1/2 sheetrock over it then tape and paint. You only loose an half inch measurement.
I did drywall finishing in the 70's & 80s'. The acoustic (popcorn) does work well at deading the sound reflections,(hence the name acoustic) but as stated above it is real dated. Plus it is a real pain to refinish and paint. As far as a more modern style I remember folks would put glitter in the mix to give it the old "Corner Bar" effect. Add a disco ball and you would be all set.
If you paint it, you throw the acoustic properties out the window. I can't count how many calls I've gotten to remove one way or another, popcorn ceilings that have been painted. They're horrible.
If you've got a fan hanging from the ceiling prepare yourself for when, after a few years, there'll be a ring of dust on the ceiling trapped in the popcorn. No matter if you try to vacuum or dust it the ceiling will shed everywhere! Nasty! I'm looking at my dust rings as I type!;)
If you home was built in the 50/60's the popcorn was to (or should be) removed, as it may contain asbestos.