How to apply LP9 stylus cleaner?

I'm an idiot. The instructions on my Record Research LP9 stylus cleaner say to use the brush at the end of the cap to apply to the stylus. And that's all it says. But the product comes with an additional, standalone, very firm bristled brush as well. Is there an unwritten step where you brush with this brush after applying the solution?
I don't use the small stiff brush, the softer brush that comes attached to the top is sufficiant. Brush from back to front, never front to back or side to side.
I use #9 and have used a 'scope to see how very clean it gets my stylus (which is not to say it is the ONLY way). Anyway, I have always been a bit hesitant to brush the solution directly onto the stylus with the "cap brush", fearing I would get too much on the cantilever and not wanting to "contaminate" the rest of the solution in the bottle. So, I dip the cap brush into the solution, withdraw straight up, and then let a drop of it fall on the separate brush. Then I used it to lightly draw from back to front on the stylus. Periodically, then, rinse out the brush with a bit of solution or distilled water.
I pour the entire contents of the original LP#9 bottle into a tiny plastic screw top container (about twice the diameter of a soda cap). I then throw the factory bottle and brush away.

From my new wide top container, I immerse the (supplied) RR stiff brush or my Last stylus brush completely into the LP#9 solution, withdraw it and fling off any excess. I clean the stylus from rear to front as others have described, and then blow out the brush with canned compressed air, removing all the debris and left over fluid.

Undoubtedly I waste fluid this way, but I never worry if the stylus might have been cleaned better. I know the results are stunning, so I continue with this process.
I think I like the ease of that method a bit more than mine and will give it a whirl. Albert, you see any problems with introdcuing "boogers" into the fluid by dipping the brush?
Probably would if you failed to clean the brush after each use.

I keep my brush on a glass shelf under my TT and if there’s dust accumulated since last use, I blow it off with the Dust-Off ® can.

A word of caution, some “dusters” contain ether and are flammable. These are typically cheaper products sold at computer stores.

DustGun 100 by Besseler, and Falcon Dust-Off ® are equal products and the best available, in my opinion.