A search for great cables for electrostatics

Since it is so difficult to lesson to the various cables available to us or not because only a few cables are sold by our local retailers. This forum grants all of us a chance to benifit from the experiences of others. So those who have found cables and interconnects to their liking please share your experiences.
I admit that I am importing HMS cables, so I can be a bit biased. But I run a full set of HMS Grand Finale cables in my personal system (ML Prodigy speakers and Wolcott amps, with a Wytech tube pre amp) and although I sell these cables, I will any time confirm that these cables will easily compete with the Valhalla and Transparent XL for a fraction of the price.
Why do I say this? Because my customers have said so and sold their Transparent XL, Valhalla in favor of HMS.
Since I offer a no risk audition, I will back up my claims any time and the customer can decide in the leisure of his home, with his system, how good these cables really are and if they are really worth to compete with the best for less.
Tekunda, this thread is about cables for ESLs, which as far as I know, the speakers you mention are NOT.
Detlof, I've been wondering on how to smooth out the Innersound amp. I'm currently using AP Oval 9's biwired and Coincident cst ic's. Do you think the Innersound cable's should do the trick or even a different pc instead of the factory pc? I'm not really sure what would be the best solution. Thanks.
I own ML Requests and Krell electronics. As many know this is hard to get right in the highs and cables are critical. I finally settled on the Pure Note brand. They are the smoothest (and most revealing) cables I have yet to hear. The XLR's are on sale now for $400/m (posted in Audiogon). I do not think you will find a better cable at this price or for many times this price.
1.I have found Nordost Superflatline in short lengths to be a real bargain with electrostats of all brands. I find many cables have an artificial presence hump in the lower midrange that add a syrupy or chesty quality to baritone voices. The Nordost do not have this difficiency. (From what I remember, this phenomenon can be heard on minmonitors also.) Just turn to an announcer on a good FM station and you can see what I mean...Comments?
2. Are the Magnans cables (speaker and interconnect) high in capacitance?