Thanks for your ideas, i agree, i want to take as much gain as possible in the phono stage. Any one have any recommendations for very high gain, affordable (1 to 2 k used) tubed phono stages? Or will the very high gain part rule out use of tubes? (gasp)
What is the conventional wisdom about step up transformers?
(BTW, the LS16 will probably become and LS25 in the future, but after i get the analog rig)
thanks again,
Thanks for your ideas, i agree, i want to take as much gain as possible in the phono stage. Any one have any recommendations for very high gain, affordable (1 to 2 k used) tubed phono stages? Or will the very high gain part rule out use of tubes? (gasp)
What is the conventional wisdom about step up transformers?
(BTW, the LS16 will probably become and LS25 in the future, but after i get the analog rig)
thanks again,