Motor Vibrations

I'm in the midst of tuning/upgrading a Well Tempered Classic. The original AC motor has a significant vibration, so I've been experimenting with the Origin Live DC motor and power supply. The OL motor vibrates fairly significantly, too, enough to be transmitted through the belt,platter and into the cartridge. I can also clearly feel the vibration in the belt whien I lightly touch it. I've experimented with different belts (the original rubber plus silk and nylon cords and dental floss) and found that the only way to reduce the vibration tranmitted to the cartridge is to loosen the belt tension to the point that there starts to be some "wow". Do all of you with DC motors experience vibration? If so, how much?

I suspect that I may have a bad motor, but the dealer tells me that the motors do vibrate to some degree. I could change over to Well Tempered's new AC motor which has some circuitry that is supposed to minimize vibration, cogging, etc. (See their website for details)

Any thoughts, suggestions, questions are welcomed.

I don't know what kind of DC motor you've got there Jimbo, but the Maxon DC motor in my Teres is totally vibrationless to the touch. I can't feel any vibration coming out of it. I think either that DC motor has a problem, or there is something else going on with it.

That's not a typical characteristic, for a good DC turntable grade motor to be vibrating like that. Something is wrong.
Agree with Twl, my Maxon has no detectable vibration except by touching the motor itself, and then just barely. My cat's purrs are deafening by comparison. Get a refund or exchange on that thing.

I don't know if a WTC would accommodate a Teres motor but maybe worth investigating. Lots of other TT owners are using them.
Thanks, Doug and Tom. I kinda figured something was wrong with the OL motor.

I looked into the Teres motor and I don't think it won't fit into the WT. I don't recall the exact measurements of the Teres motor- could eother of you measure height and width of yours for me? I'll double-check my table to see if I can make something work.

BTW- The OL motor is a Maxon, although not the same model as the one that Teres uses.
