VTA - High, Low, Where You go?

Most tonearm dealers recommend a level setting of the arm in relation to an LP. Many audiophiles suggest a level to slightly "butt down" setting (which has been my general experience). I would have interest to hear from those who find that a "Headshell down" setting works best with their rig. If you do, what arm/pickup are you using?
Hi David. The answer depends on the cartridge being used. Some like positive VTA(ass-end up) and some like negative VTA(ass-end down)

I have found that the Denon DL103 series, the older Linn cartridges like the Asak, Trak, and Karma, and many of the MM type cartridges, like some small amount of positive VTA. However, the Shelter cartridge that I now use, as well as alot of other newer MC cartridges like a small amount of negative VTA.

Apparently, this has something to do with the way the cartridges are designed, and some cartridges with their roots in the older designs which owe their heritage indirectly back to the original DL103, use a positve VTA. Many of the newer designs go with a negative VTA.

Yes, this is the type of response I am looking for. Not advice on how to set VTA (that I can do), but what carts people have used that take either positive or negative VTA. I saw a Q/A on a site and the "answerer" said that a positive VTA of around 9 degrees out of level was almost always the best setting. Seemed very extreme considering most all that I have spoken to set theirs level or "ass down".

With the Goldring 1042-OL Silver 250 combination I use a positive VTA (i.e. pivot end raised slightly) for mostly Jazz & classical music. In the arm-is-parallel VTA position the 1042 sounds excellent, no doubt, to my ears but for Jazz, classical the bass can be a bit too rich! Hence the positive VTA. Rega/OL hasn't made the VTA adjustment all that easy despite the provided VTA collar so often I'll get lazy & just leave the arm in the neutral VTA position as the genres of music playable in this mode is much larger.
For classic rock & blues music the neutral VTA (i.e. arm-is-parallel) is preferred by me.
Prior to the 1042 I used an Ortofon VMS20E Mk2 MM cart. & it preferred an arm-is-parallel VTA. FWIW. YMMV.