Mario, what you say has much truth to it, but a truth which holds good mainly in an extravert society. Where I live, rather the contrary is true. People will hide their wealth, rather drive a Lexus or Merc, when they easily could afford a Rolls or two and will tend to downplay the costs of their stereos, because they are afraid to rouse jealousy or the taxman. People bitten by the audiophile bug here will not buy the most expensive out of principle. It is thought "German", i.e. brash and in bad taste. They will rather painstakingly hunt for the best performance for the least of Swiss francs, those thrifty gnomes of Zurich. Just goes to show how different we all are. (Me, I'm only a naturalised gnome, so different again (-: )
And Clueless, nice to see you back! I must confess I read TAS of the eighties, but only on the loo, (WC for polite Brits), that's where I store them.(TAS not the Brits) Cheers,
And Clueless, nice to see you back! I must confess I read TAS of the eighties, but only on the loo, (WC for polite Brits), that's where I store them.(TAS not the Brits) Cheers,