Blue Circle Audio BC86 MKII Noisehound feedback

anybody have any input from personal use of the noisehound?
PS: Like many power things; while you will notice some difference when you plug it in; you will notice it more after you get use to the sound for a few days, and then pull it out.
thanks tom, for the input. i'm running a "virgin" circuit without any filters/surge etc. might have to give a pair a try. kurt
sorry to read about your mothernature misfortune.
Hi: A follow up report on the BC86 MKII Noisehound. I hooked it up onto a power strip with my receiver, CD player and and my cassette deck. Honestly, I could not tell the difference either at low volumes, at high volume, or by listening to the "white noise" on my speakers with my CD player on pause or at any other time during the past three days. Either I do not have an AC power line that is noisy or dirty, or my components just have no audible benefit from such a sophisticated noise filter. Anyone else want to take this BC86 MKII off of my hands? I really don't think that I am needing this accessory to treat a problem that appears not to be prevalent, or my ears have finally given out!
Sorry to hear you say that. I just ordered a pair and of course it's non-returnable. I'm hoping it does some good in my system. If not, well, there goes more money...

I think most likely your equipment is not sensitive enough to tell the difference. I think a system would need to be class " B " or better to hear a significant difference.

just my opinion :)