AGear - Thank you for your input. I am, by no means, a professional reviewer and appreciate your six moons quote as it better describes the MA1 in a more objective description then my own. If you could maybe provide some links to professional reviews for the gear I am auditioning it would be appreciated and helpful to the group at large. I have neither the trained ears, acoustically corrected room, expansive vocabulary nor elocution to properly review gear in the objective manor in which the pros can do it.
As I said when I started, I am simply saying it like I hear it with no bias other then what sounds best to me, in my room, with my ears. What I heard from the MA1 lacked emotion as compared to the Aeris and OverDrive. It did not engage me the way the other 2 did; I spent more time analyzing and less time lost in the music. To me it was not simply a matter of bright or dark, nor analytical vs slurred. I think in a different system and a different room it would shine, but not mine. I would also imagine that for a reviewer it would be an ideal DAC as it is miraculously accurate in both it's soundstage, imaging and reproduction of tone.
My apologies to all for the limitations in my room, my ears and my ability to objectively convey what I hear with the gifts of a reviewer. As Popeye said, " I ams what I ams...."
But I'm getting closer to my objective and having a damn good time doing it, and talking with some really good audio guys along the way like my new friend AGear, Charles1dad, Merrill, Audiolabyrnth, Steve, Guido and 2 dozen other guys. Isn't Tay what it's really all about?