I could recommend that you drop down to the lower Goldring models like the 1022 or 1012GX. They all use the same motor assembly, and the only difference are the styli. You could upgrade to the 1042 later, simply by replacing the stylus assembly, which is user replaceable. But the 1042 stylus is over $200.
I'm not sure if the gain in your Nait will handle the hi-output MC cartridge output levels. They are significantly lower than MM, and some preamps don't do well with them. Also, most of them are more than $200.
Overall, the best MM cartrides under $350 are the Goldrings, in my opinion. Even the lower models are quite good. Stay away from the under $100 cheapies. If you pick any one from the 1012GX to the 1042, you'll be doing fine.
I haven't tried the Garrott cartridges, so I can't say anything about them one way or the other. The Denon DL160 is a pretty good cartridge, but I prefer the Denon MC cartridges from that line.
I don't think you could go wrong with a Goldring on that rig, for the money you want to spend.
I'm not sure if the gain in your Nait will handle the hi-output MC cartridge output levels. They are significantly lower than MM, and some preamps don't do well with them. Also, most of them are more than $200.
Overall, the best MM cartrides under $350 are the Goldrings, in my opinion. Even the lower models are quite good. Stay away from the under $100 cheapies. If you pick any one from the 1012GX to the 1042, you'll be doing fine.
I haven't tried the Garrott cartridges, so I can't say anything about them one way or the other. The Denon DL160 is a pretty good cartridge, but I prefer the Denon MC cartridges from that line.
I don't think you could go wrong with a Goldring on that rig, for the money you want to spend.