Hello, I have never listened to a SACD system and would like to know how it compares to vinyl. Also, do you think SACD has good future in the massive market? Thank you.
as an owner of the marantz sa-1, the linn cd-12, and a basis 2500/graham 2.0/koetsu/aesthetix vinyl rig i enjoy each format. i have 3000 cds, 2500 lps, and 125 sacds. sacd and 33rpm vinyl are neck and neck in sound quality overall. the enjoyment level of vinyl is higher with the aesthetix io phono stage which the marantz sa-1 can't quite match even though it has a more resolution. this is not a software issue but an analogue output issue. when sacd devices have reached the maturity of gear such as the aesthetix io my belief is that it will leave vinyl in the dust. 45rpm vinyl is definitly better than sacd as the additional resolution shines thru.

in the last 6 months i have bought more vinyl than sacds so that kind of shows where i'm at.
[quote from widescreen reveiw]i beleive this to be the sister to the absolute sound magazine and this quote comes after trashing dvd-a sound[SACDis the greatestleap forward in audio fidelity to come along in years,perhaps the biggest leap ever.The open natural soundof SACD is light years beyond the bottled up sound of conventional compact discs.It rivals the natural,musical sound of analog records without the surface noise and tracing distortion inherent in that medium and it has better bass.SACD offers high fidelity at its best,in my opinion.[quote unquote]Don't get me wrong i think vinyl is superior to cd my self,but i am too lazy to mess with it.My records just gather dust.
to ears & fat albert - perhaps ewe could send me a list of the winyl y'all wanna sell? ;~)
currently this question has only intellectual interest for me, nothing that i could make any practical use of - there's yust way to few titles awailable on sacd, & way-many awailable on winyl for me to consider an inwestment in sacd hardware presently. if/when sacd becomes as common as current redbook cd, then isle take the plunge - surely, it's gotta be better than cd! :>)

regards, doug.