I use Windows Media Player (standard with Windows) to lossless .wav. .wav is the format most like what is used for CDs. Results are top notch. Automatic metadata tagging (album, artist names, cover art, etc.) works well mostly though classical CDs are hit or miss and require some manual tagging say 50% of the time or so.
You will need a different program to rip FLAC files. WMP does not support FLAC. FLAC is more flexible for editing tags. I prefer to get tags right initially prior to rip to .wav using WMP and not have to revisit that later.
You will need a different program to rip FLAC files. WMP does not support FLAC. FLAC is more flexible for editing tags. I prefer to get tags right initially prior to rip to .wav using WMP and not have to revisit that later.