cd spray tweaks?

Mapleshade records has a spray that is supposed to make cd's sound better. Does anyone know or tried this?mapleshade absolutely raves about every product they have. Makes me suspicious.
mapleshade's internet advertisments would never make their way past federal or many states' consumer protection laws, if anyone cared to enforce them. i read through all of mapleshade's claims for their tweaks on the "tweaks & wires" section of their website (i know, BTW, that many a-goners admire their wire). they are, nearly uniformly, absolutely outrageous, unfounded and, in my estimation (as a longtime veteran both enforcing and challenging the FTC act), comprise intentional misrepresentations of the first water. shame on them for resorting to the ways of last century's snake oil salesmen. shame on you if you beleive them.
I have tried a few, Optrix, Disc Solution etc and they may clean your CD but I heard no worthwhile inprovement in sound
of CD.....have not tried Maple Shade but I expect the results would be similar. I do use Auric Illuminator which is two step CD treatment and I feel it offers a slight improvement in sound consistently. I feel to really see if any treatment works for you get duplicate CDs and compare treated/untreated CDs over a period of several days.
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