Anyone try the new J A Michell Rega Counterweight/

I just installed this on my P25 RB600 tonearm and what a difference. I was looking at the ClearAudio and the Express Machining counterweight replacements, but the JA Michell was unique in design so I thought I'd try it. I can't make a comparison with the other brands but the design and build quality of the JA Michell tells me I made the right choice. I really recommend that any REGA TT owners seriously look at this. I immediately noticed a more deeper defined bass and a much more detailed presentation as well as the sound stage is much wider than before.
I have the more modest Rega RB-300 tonearm. A similar marvelous improvement has followed my installing the F-2 Titanium Heavyweight Counterweight sold by Audiogon member/dealer Gregory Kerry of Kerry Audio Designs Inc. With this aftermarket counterweight there is enhanced tonal richness to accompany the description of benefits you listed. This is a quality improvement one has to hear to believe a counterweight can make such a difference. Just wanted the Rega RB-300 owners to know an upgrade path exists for them, too.
Expressimo Heavyweight also does the trick. However, I do like the looks and features of the new Michell counterweight better. It looks cool, lowers the center of mass, and has what appears to be a micro-adjuster. Probably the best combination of sonics and features. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks very promising.

Thanks for your report.
Also a not so well known company makes a REGA counterweight. The company is VSE, there site is, I am thinking about ordering this counterweight for my arm, he claims the lowest center of gravity on the market. The "Wedge" goes for $89.
I don't like the counterwight. It made sound hard and dull.
My P25 was better without it, the sound was more open and