Turntable help for a Newbie

The time has come to re-enter the world of vinyl. The last table I purchased was back in 1984! my Bang and Olufsen 8002. Shortly after the purchase, I also acquired my first CD player a Sony CDP101 ? I believe. As a result of the overall convenience of This new format, the turntable soon became forgotten and boxed up never to see the light of day again.(pity) Oh well, It's time to take one giant step backwards to where all this love of music first started VINYL. So, my question to the more savvy of the bunch is I have a Budget of $5000.00(used)I'll need a set & forget product as I'm not mechanically inclined nor do I wish to be. Although sound is the primary concern, eye candy is also equally important (Fat Bob, Avid, Clearaudio) you're thoughts, and guidance will be of much help in making my decisions. Thanks in advance, Craig p.s. Lastly My Jadis pre amp (JP80mc) has a phono stage.

Teres 255 (used from Teres, $2,675-2,875 depending on finish)
Graham 2.x ($2,000-ish)

The tables on the Teres "Scratch 'n' Dent" sale page are a screaming bargain. Heck, even the new ones are a bargain, and there's no more "set and forget" TT in the world than a Teres. I haven't adjusted anything on my 265 in months, because there's literally nothing to adjust.

The Graham is by far the easiest of the top arms to set up and adjust, and it's suitable for a broad array of good, medium compliance cartridges.

That leaves just under $500 for a cartridge. The best choice will depend on the gain in your phono stage and your tastes in sound and music.
Hard to go wrong with a VPI Scoutmaster and VPI JMW9 tonearm ($2300 new) and VPI or Walker Audio motor controller ($950-1700 new), and still have a good portion of your budget remaining for a very good cartridge (e.g., Dynavector Karat 17D2, $750). The VPI will also fall in that "set and forget" category.
Here's another idea. You put $5K aside for my bail money and I'll 'borrow' Rushton's rig. You can come listen any time!
