Upsampling the way to go? ?

As if we didn't have enough to decide with the format wars, the latest issue of Stereophile implies upsampling is the magic to make cds as good as sacd. ARC however, disagrees. Has anyone actually listened to the ARC CD3 vs the MF NU Vista 3D,Cary, EMC 1,or other comparably priced players with upsampling?
I haven't heard any of the players you list long enough to comment on them, but I have been listening to upconverted CD for years through the dCS Purcell and Elgar, and have heard other comparable upconversion systemsas well (e.g., the Accuphase). I have never heard any CD player without upconversion that can come close, although I believe that when I heard the Linn there was something wrong in the system, because LP didn't sound very good there either. I heard an Audio Aero Capitole player recently, and it also sounded fabulous.
I used to feel that way also. If you are ever in the area bring your DCS over and we can have some fun.:)
I have upsampling on my Integra Research RDC-7 . I like it alot. I do not have SACD yet as I am waiting for a worthy universal player. I do however have DVDA. I got the DVDA before the Integra. When I first heard the DVDA , on certain well recorded discs , I was very impressed with the resolution. When I got the Integra , I got used to listening to my better recorded cd's with upsampling. Now the resolution difference is very close. CD's are a very bright format. So I got a Classe amp. Now Im in sonic heaven. Mix upsampling with a Classe or a tube amp if you are so inclined, and you will be a happy camper. That does not mean Im anti SACD. I will get a player and some discs. But when you have a massive CD collection, and a limit on the number of SACD's that your actually interested in, Upsampling done well can be very satisfying
I recently upgraded my Leveinson #39 to the new #390s. The #39 was an excellent sounding player, but the 390s is a big improvement. The 390s increases the sample rate to 352.8 kHz or 384 kHz and is the main reason for the improvement.
I think that both 16 bit and upsampled 24 bit can sound very good. Most of the "problems" that we hear are not with either format, but with the amount, type and how the filtering is used in each design. I've tried it both ways and i prefer upsampling. Then again, my upsampler doesn't have any filtering so that may be part of the reason that i like it so much. The non-oversampling ( 1X ) Audio Note's also don't have any filtering and that may be why so many people think that they sound so good also. Sean