technical explanation for cable direction?

I always connect my cables according to the arrows on them or the manufacturers recommendations. (Why take a chance that ignoring them MIGHT make my system sound less than it could?) However, I have an EE degree from the 70's, and frankly, I KNOW that audio signals are only AC and I cannot for the life of me believe that it could possibly make a difference. I believe that the current in an audio cable is actually "performing a circular dance", at the speed of the highest frequency contained at the time, between its ends, and if you could measure or glimpse the direction of electron flow at any one instance, it would be going one direction or the other, changing instantly (according to the frequencies contained) and averaged over 1 second or minute or day would be zero. Current DOES NOT flow from the amp into the speaker and stay there. Current flows back and forth through the voice coil of the speaker back to the amp in both directions. If you connect an oscilloscope to the + & - of any audio cable you can "see" this balance. (identical shaped waves above and below the zero line, representling voltage in each direction) SO: Do I know just enough to be confused and not enough to know some detail that makes cable direction meaningful? I really think its just BS. Whew! please help
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Well, thankyou..... that certainly makes sense. I had not heard that. Thats sort of the same reason why bi-wiring sounds better (reverse current created by the rebound of the voice coil is best delt with at the output of the amp)
Ben Duncan measured the diode effects in wire and published this in Hifi News & Record Review a couple years ago if you need proof for directionality other than listening tests.....
It may be true that some cables only connect the sheild at one end but this can make the interconnect act as an antenna for RF.