A couple of years ago, A'Gon member Redkiwi stated that pretty much all wire is "directional" in audio, so prior to intstalling my ded. AC system, I decided to test that premise. I ran a 60 ft. 6 ga. stranded cable from my main breaker box to a submain. Well, direction "A" produced music that was very soft, dull, undynamic and in general "boring", so I switched direction and music was then much more normally live, natural, and dynamic. The difference was pretty dramatic. I was so amazed at this that the next day I repeated the test with the same results.
I have no idea why wire should behave this way (it was new, BTW), but there way no doubt about it, and I suspect that there is no way to measure what was going on. Neither do I know if over time the "soft" direction would improve with use. I had a job to do and a decision(s) to make. I'm sure you know what it was. But I will say that since that set of trials, I've become a strong believer in the directionality of wire, but an even stronger believer in the subjective nature of much of this hobby. There is a great deal about most sciences that is unknown. Cheers. Craig