Upsampling the way to go? ?

As if we didn't have enough to decide with the format wars, the latest issue of Stereophile implies upsampling is the magic to make cds as good as sacd. ARC however, disagrees. Has anyone actually listened to the ARC CD3 vs the MF NU Vista 3D,Cary, EMC 1,or other comparably priced players with upsampling?
Tom: I find your results comparing the Mill II to the DAC 3 pretty interesting. Like you, i was also interested in that piece. I found the Mill II to sound much more "organic" i.e. more musical, natural and fuller sounding. In comparison, the DAC 3 sounded somewhat "bleached", lacking detail and lacked the warmth, body and bottom end extension that the Mill II is capable of. I'm sure that i could've gotten better results with the ARC if i really tinkered with it, but i didn't feel the need. Sean
Is it true that the Audio Note has no filtering ??

This could not be good for amplifiers and tweeters.

I thought it was a requirement that the aliasing frequencies must be filtered out of the analog output.

Can anyone comment on this?
As far as I know, an unfiltered DAC's analog output will only affect the speakers negatively if it affects the amp negatively. In other words, it's the amp that will potentially damage the speakers if it is made unstable by the unfiltered ultrasonics. The resulting amp distortion artifacts would cause any speaker damage; the speaker is actually a filter in and of itself, and would not be damaged the ultrasonics alone. Fortunately, I think few amplifiers would be disturbed to this degree, but the possibility always exists (presumably, AN electronics would not be among these).