Audio Refinement cd vs. MF A3 cd

I'm looking towards upgrading my Cambridge Audio CD4se with a player costing in the sub 1,500 price range. It will be used with Maggie 1.6qr's, Belles Hot Rod 150A amp, & Music Reference RM5III pre. The CD4se sounds very nice at it's price, but I'm looking for better detail resolution, a more extended & airy high end, & well defined, solid bass. I'm not a fan of dry, analytical sound. Reliability is also a factor. The Audio Refinement Complete & Musical Fidelity A3cd are two candidates I'm considering.Has anyone heard these in comparison? Or, does anyone have others that they think should be considered also. Thanks, Will.
I would consider a bel canto dac 1 used $700 on the digital out of your cambridge otherwise I have only heard the audio refinement player... I wasn't to impressed and bought a rotel 971 for less money eith better sound . I believe that the MF would be much better as a stand alone. check out the review at for the MF, the Bel Canto and the Perpetual 3A another thought at $699 New..mmm I would definately consider using that 4se as a transport and take advantage of one of these upsampling dacs.. maybe that perp on a 30 day trial. have fun,
ps your system looks great a good digital upgrade is going to make a huge difference
I'll second adding the Bel Canto (which is what I did, though to a CAL Icon MKII). I owned the AR player for a short while and have auditioned the MF twice in the same system (the owner moved on to a Meridien player). The CAL/Canto combo sounds more musical, to me, than the AR or MF players. If you want an all in one player then you may be able to find a used Theta Miles or a Resolution Audio CD50 at the top of your price range. I would just as soon have either of those players as well but didn't feel like spending the extra money at the time (my Bel Canto was purchased used.