Copper Deterioration?

I've read many horror stories of really expensive copper cables going brown, etc due to oxidation.

Why would anybody buy expensive cable made of copper when they will go bad over time?

I hear silver cables, when oxidized, actually get BETTER. Is the same true for silver plated copper?

My current view is why waste the money on pricey copper when there's a shelf life on these guys!!

Please advise...........
One of my "projects" is going to be testing and comparing various "tweaks" to conductors. I'd like to take several identical pieces of wire trimmed to the same length, bare both ends and then treat them with various "contact enhancements" that i have handy. Over time, i'll come back and check on them to see which has held up best in terms of conductivity and corrosion. Obviously, this will take some time since "crustiness" doesn't show up over night. I do plan to speed up the process a bit by leaving them in a damp place though. Sean
Sean, please share your results with us. May I suggest keeping a daily log as to temperature and humidty. An outstanding project idea. Bravo!
Exposed portions of a cable will oxidize over time. Of course, the exposed portions are not what is making the connection. So its impact on sound is, shall we say, open to question.

I do agree that you shouldn't waste your money on expensive copper. :)
It's not that silver sounds "better" when it oxidizes; Silver oxide is a better conductor than unoxidized copper.
Two points:

1) Bomarc, how do you make an air-tight / sealed connection using bare wire and a binding post ?

2) Unsound, you give me WAY too much credit. I had simply intended on stripping, treating each stripped cable with a specific type of "contact enhancer" and laying them out in one specific area all at one time. Each cable would be exposed to the same conditions for the same amount of time. I would check these on occassion and document the various levels of visible corrosion as time progresses. When things have gotten to the point that some are very noticeably "crusty", i would take resistance readings again ( like i would as a baseline at the beginning ) and record them.

Doing such would give us ( since i would be sharing the results ) a better idea of which "treatments" work best, how long they hold up and how often the connections should be cleaned and re-treated. I will not be testing each "treatment" for sonics as that would be PURELY subjective and have Bomarc and associates foaming at the mouth : )

Obviously, temperature / humidity conditions will vary from place to place so the results would only be "ballpark" at best. As such, documenting the specifics of temperature / humidity might provide more "scientific" data but i'm more concerned with "real world" conditions that one would see in a normal day to day household environment.

Tryin' to keep it "real".... Sean