Resonant Frequency

There is a discussion on cartridge resonant frequency on Vinyl Engine right now.Do the knowledgable members of this forum have ideas as to what is an optimal figure? It is suggested that 10hz is O.K but other figures of around 12hz or even as high as 14hz have been suggested as to what to aim for.Should I be happy with an Rega RB 250 with Origin structural mod,using an Ortofon cartridge, that I have calculated to have a resonance around 11hz?stefanl
I see that there is some difference as to what an acceptable figure is.A reply on Vinyl Asylum gave the example of the Goldring cartridge that comes with the MMF 5 having a rf of around 8hz,but said to be o.k.Some on Vinyl Engine believe 10 hz is too low,deriving from the original paper of the '70's,and have said you want a bit of give,to around 12hz and can go to 14hz.So far I have seen a range 8-15hz.In fact a lot of people seem to retreat from the original 10 hz and are justifying combos of 7,8hz because thats where their tables are.Interestingly a Blue Point Special on a Rega RB 250 comes to almost exactly 10hz.Does it sound fantastic or do I notice a slight "grey"tonal colouring?(ha ha)
Quoting from "The Audioperfectionist Journal," (No. 9, 2003)I have this to offer as food for thought. It is also a view I agree with and have experienced, and this as a person who has been spinning vinyl for 30 years or so, and the last 10 with a strong dedication to the format:

"Expert opinions differ on the optimum frequency for cartridge/tonearm resonance. The range usually recommended is 6-15Hz but I will state without equivocation that the magic number is 8Hz. Go higher than that and you'll get fatter bass with less definition. Go much lower and the stylus will jump out of the groove if it encounters the slightest warp."

The higher resonances are a function of reality, and for most of us this is not a problem as most records are not going to have a lot of information in this area. However, having said that, there are of course those frequencies that are a function of the fundamental or base frequency; double it and this begins to make sense.

For ex., if your RF is 14Hz, then 28Hz, 56Hz etc are effected. If only 8Hz, well second and third order RF is at or below what most systems will reproduce. Otherwise, we could have a primary RF below, say, 32Hz or so.

Very few pipe organs produce a true 16 foot, BTW. Those that do, well you feel this in your bones in the church...

Have you seen the paper in the Vinyl Engine's archives? "Audible Effects of Mechanical Resonances in Turntables" This was the original paper that started the ball rolling.It was given to AES Covention In New York in 1977 by Poul Ladegaard of Bruel and Kjaer.He is talking about optimum's in the 13-18hz range and elucidates the reasoning for this.Although it is old,it is an oldy but a goody and has sparked a lively discussion.Stefanl
This is to whet your appetite.On page 14 of the aforementioned paper."Since we have to conclude that practical records contain a large amount of "rubbish" centered around 4-5hz including warps,the optimum solution is clear.The tonearm/cartridge resonance has to be placed at such a high frequency 13-18hz that it mechanically filters out the subsonic signals.In addition some damping should be applied to eliminate oscillations and influence above 20hz" Stefanl

Did I forget the ultimate mod?

This interesting subject on resonance frequency has been forgotten since the 80's. Within this thread we discovered that we all are very unsure about the real pre's and cons. Much can be read on VTA and azymuth for instance, but nobody really knows what the right frequency range will be for the resonance of your arm/ cartridge- combo.

That's why several hifi- manufacturers(Rega, Shure, Audio Technica)of arms and cartridges have skipped effective mass and compliance from their spec lists. And that's why in forums like this we read about so many midrange-mass or heavy-mass arms with Shure V15- cartrtidges in it for instance! We should make ourselves a bit more emancipated on this issue, IMO.

Perhaps the paper that can be downloaded at Vinyl Engine has been digged it up somewhere in Egypt, but it seems that nobody ever had read it. Did you download it already from overthere? (from V.Engine that is!) This paper has received diverse reactions in the discussions. But it states, that when you increase the resonance frequency higher and higher above 10Hz, you are continuously improving on tracking stability. Not much respected literature could be found until now on this subject.

The real problem is: can we get a BIT high? Or: how can we prevent that it will become too LOW? Several visit to forums have learned me that perhaps in only 10 % of the cases there is a resonance frequency of 12 Hz or above. I guess 30 % is between 10 and 12 Hz and the rest, 60 % is below 10 Hz!

Low resonance frequencies are not a favourable frequency at all. In several HiFi Choice reviews that I read, they said that an 8 Hz frequency will interfere badly with the resonance frequency of your subchassis and with warps, excentricity and other rubbish on your disc. Moreover, this increases sensitivity for footfall and airborne playback- disturbance. It really starts to get stable above 10Hz, believe me. People who found their vision on years of experience will see this vision belied by the plain rules of nature. These rules do not tolerate mockery. Really, 6 Hz is disastrous and the commonly met 7.5 Hz. should never be worth your budget!

As you already discovered, your nicely crafted Rega arm (splendid thing IMO) is not really a lightweight model. Real light rascals are for instance a SME 3009 Improved II with non- detachable headshell. That is a good one too, but weighs in at 6 g. So nearly half of the Rega. So is the Rega a bad one? NO!

The worst cases are to behold, where the our famous Shures get on stage. Are they bad? NOOOOOOOOH! But they have compliances from 25 to 35 cu. Is that too high? NOOOOOOH! But too high for the arms found at Technics 1200 or for other s- shaped japanese arms. Are these arm bad? NOOOOOOOH!

So when you would have a SME 3009 II Improved with detachable headshell and put a Shure V15 _ V xMR in it, the resonace will not be at 8 Hz or above. And this is not favourable at all. Why not?

The bad influences will be detected as:

*Peak signals in music become less clean.

*Nasty short-term fluctuations of tracking force, causing loss of tracking ability of complex passages in the music. You will not be able any more to hear the fine strands within complex mixes of instruments and or voices.

*Decreased resistance to footfall.

*Decreased tracking stability when playing records with warpes or excentricity, such as found among the many second hand discs bought by vinyl lovers today

*Increased record wear caused by a larger number of minor or serious cases of mistracking.

*the internal resonance behavior of a turntable can be disturbed because the arm resonance may interfere with the subchassis resonance. So the common vitues of such a design will be harmed Like adequate isolation from motor rumble.

If you have no problems with these drawbacks, then that it is ok with me. But why did you purchase those costly products when after all these effects do not bother you? And why do so many users say to themselves: I fear that my motor causes wow. So I plan to purchase a motor mod seen at site Sombody else likes his arm to have a bronze knife edge mod costing blablabla usd. Perhaps your neighbour has installed a costly Grado cartridge together with a vintage EMT arm on his motor unit. In all these cases the arm/ cartridge combo CAN be faulty already, certainly in the last case!

To these people I say: You forgot the most important and cheapest mod: putting the resonance frequency at least at 10Hz. It does not cost a penny more and it pays back generously in musical terms!

When you will have these resonance frequencies above 10Hz (just try to reach them first) there will only be little bass boost. Organ tones will drop as dramatically as fig. 7 of the danish paper shows! And believe me: this same paper clearly proves that the resonance frequency has no high harmonics at all! Did you read the paper? And the lowest notes do not have lower harminics. All nonsense.

So there really is are perfect resonance frequencies: as high as possible! But what is more important: there is too little knowledge on this subject. So there is too much damage caused by badly chosen combinations. I want to challenge you all: when it does not matter do not hesitate to put a mass upon your headshell, bonded to it by means of BluTack. Take 6 g. for this as a starting point. Please be honest to yourself. And reset yr tracking force to the same low value as you normally apply. Play a record with humble warps with this new assembly. I would like to know if your new set will play complex parts of the inner track as good throught your headset as the normal setup. When the musical result is the same for most of you, I will withdwraw my entire plea! But note, that the more expensive your layout will be, the more dramatic the quality drop will show up!

Let us be happy with those low- compliance- carts like Ortofon MC’s. Sound is pleasant and tracking is stable in several arms. These models own a kind of universal appliccability, which will never be gained by any Shure. IMO: MC’s are even the best choices at the higher budgets.

Let’s return to the pure basically right electroacoustic technology. And after that we can serch for our own preferences among those modern expensive mod tricks, which serve so many times to solve problems, which would not have been there, when we had chosen for the suitable arm/ cart/ combinations in the first place.